Worship at OSLC
Worship is central.

At OSLC, Worship is at the heart of everything that we do! From traditional Lutheran liturgy to hymns and songs, we worship God with all of our hearts. Below, you will find out more information about our worship ministry. 

Music Ministry
Singing Our Praise to God!

At Our Saviour, we have a wonderful Rodgers Digital Organ that serves as our main instrument for worship, in addition to an acoustic piano. Leading worship through song is a vital part of our work as Lutherans.


OSLC Choir

Our choir meets each week for practice at 9:00am on Sunday mornings in our choir room just down the hall from the sanctuary. Come join our song!

Worship Servers
Helping to lead the Church's Worship!

Worship takes a lot of hands to help make it meaningful! At OSLC, we have ushers/greeters, acolytes (Worship Assistants), lectors (readers), Altar Guild (Communion), and our Pastor. These people diligintly volunteer to help make worship welcoming and available to all who enter this place. Thank you to our worship servers!

Interested in being a worship leader? Check out these guides and let the office know if you're interested!




Assisting Minister

Communion Assistant

Choir Member

Altar Flowers
Donate flowers to honor and remember loved ones!

Every Sunday, we have flowers that are by the altar that help decorate the sanctuary. If you would like to donate flowers on a Sunday, they are $25 and can be paid for via a check, cash, or online via Tithe.ly. Thank you for helping make our sanctuary look beautiful!

Donate Flowers